Call for papersCall for Paper Submission deadline extended: 10 May, 2023 20th International Conference of the Tunisian Marketing Association
You can download the ATM onference call for paper paper below The 20th edition of the ATM symposium will be held on the theme: "Rethinking marketing for a better future? Towards a reinvestigation of strategies, practices and concepts". The role and the contribution of marketing to society and markets are being challenged today by the various changes in the social, technological, economic and natural environment. These rapid changes deeply influence markets, consumption behaviors and marketing strategies. Digitalization is disrupting production and consumption models, markets' structures, and company business models. The ecological crisis and the natural resource depletion call into question the practices of the contemporary consumption society and call for a paradigm shift. Globalization, the growth of social inequalities, migratory flows, social exclusion, poverty, and diverse economic and health crises shed light on the importance of the human factor in all managerial and marketing processes. How can marketing research meet these changes? What role can it play in today's and tomorrow's society? How can it contribute to the rethinking of the marketing practices and strategies in order to enhance business sustainable development as well as individual and collective well-being? Rooted in different economic, cultural and technological contexts, this conference will be open to researchers and marketing practitioners to exchange different points of views about the evolution of marketing and its perspectives in a changing environment. Suggested themes include: - Technological changes and new challenges for marketing, markets and consumers: artificial intelligence, transhumanism, augmented/virtual reality, impact of social networks, digitalization and new consumer rituals, the digital outcasts, etc. - Environmental changes and societal responsibility: sustainable consumption / production, alternative consumption models (food, fashion, tourism, slow life, etc.), activism and boycott, second hand markets, sustainable communication and branding, etc. - Socio-cultural changes, inclusion/exclusion and well-being: globalization and local consumption, immigration and aspirational cultural models, generational consumption models, consumers' vulnerability, etc. - Economic models, markets and consumption changes: marketing and the challenges of economic sobriety and shrinking markets, marketing in subsistence markets, changing consumption patterns in emerging countries, etc. - Marketing in crisis situations: health crisis, food crisis, purchasing power crisis, wars and political crises, social values crisis. - Towards a re-conceptualization of marketing: How can marketing evolve to meet these rapidly changing challenges? How can it contribute building a better future for consumers and companies? What changes are needed in marketing practices and strategies to move toward virtuous marketing? The above list of themes is not exhaustive, other innovative and original topics are welcomed to enrich the debates.
Submission guidelines Submission formats for papers The ATM conference is devoted to the presentation and the discussion of different submission formats: - Specific research with an empirical application. - Literature review related to an innovative specific theme. - Methodological or pedagogical papers. - Conceptual papers. All submitted manuscripts undergo a double blind peer-review process. They will be evaluated according to their originality, methodological rigor and their accordance with the conference themes. Authors guidelines The paper should not exceed 7 single spaced pages, 12 pt Times New Roman, 2.5 cm margins, excluding the cover page, bibliography and appendices. See the "Submission papers" section in the present conference websites for details Doctoral Workshop A doctoral workshop will be devoted to the presentation of doctoral work in progress. Doctoral students at an intermediate work progress stage will benefit from the feedback of the researchers attending the conference. Doctoral students who wish to present their work progress must send a thesis progress summary document of 8 pages maximum, single-spaced, Times new Roman 12, 2.5 margin, (including the cover page and bibliography). See the Doctoral workshop section of the conference website for more details Best paper award The Scientific Committee will award two prizes:
The calendar Submission opening: March 1st, 2023 Submission deadlin extended: April 25, 2023 Notification of the decision: July 15, 2023 Deadline for receipt of final submissions: August 1st , 2023 Conference date: October 20-21, 2023
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